Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Edgar Allan Poe s Life And Experiences - 2032 Words

Edgar Allan Poe: For Better Or Worse All great writers write about what they know and experience. It may be on purpose or subconscious, but it can be seen in their writing with such things as places, people, and ideals. With the great Edgar Allan Poe, it is clear that he continually wrote about his life and experiences. Edgar Allan Poe’s issues with alcoholism, the loss of loved ones, and issues with himself can be seen in his characters and themes throughout his writing. Poe had issues with alcoholism. It was common in his family and he tried to not really let it affect him. He was easily pushed into drinking, and got intoxicated easily due to his low tolerance. (Hutchisson #?). He has many stories with alcohol, but he makes it clear in â€Å"Hop Frog† ,â€Å"Cask of Amontillado† and â€Å"The Black Cat† how he truly feels about the substance. â€Å"Hop Frog† is a great example of how Poe discourages drinking in his stories. Hop-Frog got sick when he drank saying â€Å"Hop-Frog was not fond of wine, for it excited the poor cripple almost to madness; and madness is no comfortable feeling†. With Poe’s ability to drink one glass of wine and start acting out it easily caused issue. Poe’s issue should have made him stop drinking but there was â€Å"A physiological component [that] was also present. His body had a low tolerance for alcohol, and many acquaintances testified that all it took to put Poe under, or, alternatively, to stir him up, was a modest-sized glass of wine. â€Å"(Hutchisson xv). You can seeShow MoreRelated The Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe Essay1499 Words   |  6 PagesThe Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe What was the mystery of Edgar Allan Poe? Why was he so special? He was special because he helped change poetry by giving it different focuses. 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